
Wee Kare Pediatrics clinics specialize in infants from birth to adolescent care up to 18 years old. WeeKare Pediatrics has a wide range of physicians from Doctors, Physicians Assistants and Nurse practitioners. Visit the provider’s biography section for more information.

Caring for Every Need

Medical Ear Piercing

Safe, sterile ear piercing by medical professionals.

Sports Physical

Detailed exams to ensure your child is fit for sports.


Quick and accurate urine analysis for various health insights.

Mono Testing

Efficient mononucleosis testing for timely diagnosis.

Pregnancy Test

Reliable in-office pregnancy testing services.

Fingersticks (Hemoglobin & Lead)

Simple hemoglobin and lead checks via fingerstick.

Glucose Checks

Fast and easy blood glucose level assessments.

Heel Stick (Newborns)

Newborn blood collection for essential screenings.

Wart Removal

Safe and effective wart removal treatments.

Suture & Staple Removals

Professional suture and staple removal services.

Specimen Collection for Specialized Testing

Collect specimens in-office for specialized lab processing (throat, stool, urine cultures, etc.).

Developmental Screenings

Newborn blood collection for essential screenings.

Vision & Hearing Screenings

Comprehensive screenings to ensure healthy vision and hearing.

Spirometry Test

Breathing test to evaluate lung function.


All age-required and recommended vaccines available.

TB Skin Tests

Tuberculosis screening through skin testing.

Please note: Our clinics do not offer in-house EKGs & X-Rays. Patients will be referred out.