![piercing1[1] piercing1[1]](https://weekare.net/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/piercing11-r21df7zevdxus21tw04w5ls4eyizpqo2pavvbhagl8.jpg)
Many parents wonder how old their children must be to get their ears pierced. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that there is no age limit for having children’s ears pierced. They do recommend waiting till your youngster is able to care for it on his or her own.
While ear piercing is a relatively safe treatment, some children with underlying medical issues should first speak with our pediatricians.
If you decide to have your child’s ears pierced, we recommend choosing our medical office over a retail store. Our medical experts are unmatched in ensuring safety and following strict protocols for ear piercings. WeeKare Pediatrics is proud to offer this service, with our board-certified doctors ensuring the highest standards of care.
* Must have 2nd month vaccines to get ears pierced
* This services is not covered by your insurance